The Writing Coach Podcast 23: Company of One with Paul Jarvis

Paul Jarvis, author of the new book “Company of One,” joins us today to talk about what it means as a freelancer to pursue more vs. enough, the importance of working on your business instead of always in your business, how he chose to say “No” to freelance work to get this book done, and much more. By the way, he submitted his manuscript a month ahead of schedule. 😀
Listen to episode 23 of the Writing Coach Podcast:
WCP 23: Company of One with Paul Jarvis
Paul Jarvis, author of the new book Company of One, joins us today to talk about what it means as a freelancer to pursue more vs. enough, the importance of working on your business instead of always in your business, how he chose to say “No” to freelance work to get this book done, and much more.
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Mentioned on today’s show:

US and UK book covers of “Company of One”
”Unhappy Meals” by Michael Pollan
My favorite quote from the book:
Your purpose is the lens through which you filter all your business decisions, from the tiny to the monumental. We’re talking about who you work with, what you offer, where you focus your time and energy, and even how you define your audience. Determining the unique purpose that underpins your company of one isn’t always a quick or easy process, and there’s no spreadsheet that can crunch some numbers and spit out the answer. Figuring out your purpose requires actual reflection on both your own desires and the audience you want to serve. After all, doing business boils down to serving others in a mutually beneficial way. Customers give you money, gratitude, and a shared passion, and you address their problems by applying your unique skills and knowledge to what you sell them.
“Power Causes Brain Damage,” by Jerry Useem
Podcast listener shoutout:
SandyinBoston’s favorite episodes:
WCP 11: Money and negotiation blocks
WCP 8: Backstory of a New York Times travel feature with Sarah Khan
If you enjoyed this episode of the Writing Coach Podcast, please write a review on iTunes, or tag me on @freelancewriterbootcamp on Instagram. I may give you a shoutout on a future episode.
Listen to previous episodes of the Writing Coach Podcast here.
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