The next round of Freelance Writer Bootcamp is on me (for one of you)

Applications for the Yolisa Qunta Bootcamp scholarship are currently closed. To apply for a paid spot in the next session, visit The scholarship has been renamed in memory of Yolisa Qunta. Yolisa was a freelance writer, author, and Bootcamp alumni. For years after her initial enrollment, she stayed active in the Bootcamp alumni group, […]
The Writing Coach Podcast 31: How do you feel about breaking into your dream publications?

Your dream publication might be high profile, high circulation, or high paying. It might reach a specialized, niche audience, or be pushing the boundaries of innovative types of multimedia storytelling. Maybe your dream publication employees your dream editor, who is smart and funny and prompt. Or maybe your dream publication comes back to you time […]
The Writing Coach Podcast 28: Listener Q&A

This week I’m experimenting with a new podcast format. You’ve sent me some great questions, and I’ve selected a few to answer that I think will resonate with the rest of you. On today’s Listener Q&A, we discuss: • The importance of following up • Managing your mindset when you’re devastated by client responses • […]
The Writing Coach Podcast 27: Name your niche

Clarifying a freelance writing niche gives you direction about what to focus on, which clients to target, and which stories to pitch. It helps with efficiency and productivity. And it makes it easier for clients to find you. Today’s episode explores how to identify a niche, when to drill down to subspecialties, and why you […]
The Writing Coach Podcast 26: Decolonizing science writing with Sibusiso Biyela

Meet Sibusiso Biyela, a South African science communicator and journalist interested in decolonize science communication using indigenous languages. Don’t worry, I don’t speak science, so we’re talking mostly about language, storytelling, politics. Sibs normally writes in English. He recently completed a story about a newly discovered dinosaur species in his mother tongue, Zulu, which doesn’t […]
The Writing Coach Podcast 25: Using juicy quotes in your pitches

Quotes aren’t necessary when submitting a query to an editor, which is one reason why including a good one helps make a pitch really stand out. Original reporting brings new insight and life to most articles, and a well-placed quote shows editors you’ve got access, a good ear, and motivation. In today’s episode, you’ll: • Learn how a quote can improve your chances of getting your story assigned • Find places to get fresh quotes without any interviews • Schedule a 15-minute pre-reporting interview for maximum effect • Understand your resistance to this approach and how to manage it to get the results you want Click to listen to episode 25 of the Writing Coach Podcast: WCP25 […]
The Writing Coach Podcast 24: Which comes first, the pitch or the interview?

Which should you do first: secure an interview or pitch the story? Many writers frame this as a chicken and egg situation, but it isn’t an existential or biological question. It’s a decision you get to make about which way you want to get started. Let’s look at the pros and cons so you can […]
WCP Bonus: Why aren’t you making more money as a freelance writer?

Freelancing has so many moving parts that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. When you’re working a lot of hours, putting in a lot of effort, but not seeing a lot of financial return, that can add to the confusion: What’s holding you back from making more money? When we strip things back to basics, there […]
Writing Coach Podcast Bonus: FB Live Integration Q&A

This live pitching Q&A serves as a bridge between the practical “what to do” lessons in the Freelance Writer Breakthrough mini course and the mindset management in the Writing Coach Podcast that enables you to do those things in the first place. Listen to the bonus episode of the Writing Coach Podcast: WCP Bonus: FB Live Integration […]
What if you loved to pitch?

What if you loved pitching, and/or knew you were really good at it? What would you do differently? If you’re avoiding pitching as frequently as ambitiously as you would if you were great at it, then you’re choosing to experience all the things you were hoping to avoid: silence from editors, not earning enough, and […]
The Writing Coach Podcast 20: Setting freelance writer goals

The freelance writer goal setting process I’m sharing with you today works for goals that will take half a day, one year, or anywhere in between. There’s one step in this process that most writers miss (and, consequently, don’t reach their goals). Listen in to make sure you don’t gloss over it. Listen to episode 20 […]
The Writing Coach Podcast Bonus: Freelancing (or not) when other people are on vacation

Click here to listen to today’s bonus episode: WCP Bonus: Working (or not) when other people are on vacation Freelancing in December is usually a bit different from the other months. Maybe you’re taking some time off, your clients are, or your friends and family are. Let’s talk about deciding what you want (be it […]
The Times, they are a changin’

If you’re old enough to know the song I’m referencing there, you need to check that your idea of what the newspaper or website you want to write for actually publishes isn’t from the same era. Reading a publication regularly doesn’t mean you’re ready to pitch it. For starters, you probably read like a reader: for […]
WCP Bonus: Boost your bottom line as a freelance writer

WCP Bonus: Boost your bottom line as a freelance writer This bonus episode looks at the most effective strategies to raise your bottom line as a freelance writer. You’ll walk away with specifics you can implement right away to increase your cash flow. Subscribe to The Writing Coach Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Android, or RSS. This bonus episode looks at the […]
Writing Coach Podcast 10: Becoming a confident writer

The Writing Coach Podcast with Rebecca L. Weber: WCP10 The confident writer Do you feel writing is your true creative, personal, or professional calling, one that brings meaning and depth to your life, and that lets you bring real value to the lives of readers … or at least has the potential to? Subscribe to The […]
The Writing Coach Podcast 8: Backstory of a New York Times travel feature with Sarah Khan

08: Backstory of a New York Times travel feature with Sarah Khan Sarah Khan is a freelance travel writer for the Wall Street Journal, Condé Nast Traveler, and Travel + Leisure. Today Sarah shares the backstory of her award-winning feature for the New York Times, “A Muslim American’s Homecoming: Cowboys, Country Music, Chapatis.” Subscribe to The […]
Freelance Writer Bootcamp alumni discuss what the program’s really like

Bonus: FB Live with Freelance Writer Bootcamp alumni Wondering what it’s really like to go through Freelance Writer Bootcamp? Join me for a discussion with several Bootcamp alums about their experiences. Registration for Freelance Writer Bootcamp is open until Tuesday, October 2: More info and show notes: Subscribe to The Writing Coach Podcast on […]
The Writing Coach Podcast 6: Why you’re not pitching when you think you “should” be

06: Why you’re not pitching when you “should” be “Should” is in quotes here because it’s the voice in your mind telling you. If you’ve already gotten clear on the reasons why pitching would benefit your writing life, but you’re not doing it (or not doing it as much as necessary to get the results […]